

  • 2023年6月17日(土)10:00~13:00
  • ハイブリッド型開催(対面?オンライン)
    池袋キャンパス 本館1階 1104教室

Enhancing Bilingualism in Taiwan Higher Education: The Role of EMI(台湾の高等教育における2言語主義の強化:EMIの役割)
In 2021, the Taiwanese Government launched the Bilingual 2030 Policy with the aim of enhancing the competitiveness of younger generations and strengthening Taiwan's global connections. Higher education institutions play a crucial and pivotal role in the successful implementation of this policy. To achieve bilingualism, one of the most well-adopted approaches in higher education is the implementation of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI).

This lecture will cover several issues related to the enhancement of bilingual education and the role of EMI. Firstly, an overview of the overarching visions and objectives of the bilingual policy will be discussed. Secondly, the roles of EMI in universities will be debriefed, including the benefits and challenges that come with its implementation. The benefits of EMI include the opportunity to improve the quality of education and research, enhancing internationalization efforts, and preparing students for a globalized job market. However, some of the challenges associated with EMI implementation include language barriers, cultural conflicts, and faculty and student resistance.

Finally, the lecture will conclude with a discussion on the future perspectives of this bilingual policy and the role of EMI in higher education. Overall, the lecture aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the significance of bilingual education and the role of EMI in higher education, and how it can contribute to the growth and development of Taiwan's education system and society as a whole.

EMI empowerment : Strategies and practices from the Center for Bilingual Education (NTU)(EMIの促進:2言語教育センターの方策と実行)
In line with the Bilingual 2030 policy, National Taiwan University (NTU) established the Center for Bilingual Education (CBE) in 2021 with the aim of enhancing students' English proficiency, improving teaching quality and effectiveness, and promoting campus-wide internationalization. This workshop will delve into the specific strategies and practices implemented by CBE to achieve these goals across three dimensions : administration, faculty, and students.

The workshop will begin with an overview of the institutional support provided by CBE, including optimizing the bilingual campus and developing effective administrative policies. In addition, the workshop will explore the measures taken by CBE to empower EMI faculty, such as professional development opportunities and targeted support for instructors from various disciplines. Another key aspect of the workshop will be a discussion of curricular designs and student English activities. The workshop will cover how CBE prepares students for EMI-style classes.

Throughout the workshop, CBE will share experiences and feedback from stakeholders, providing insights and inspiration for other partner universities. Attendees can expect to come away with a deeper understanding of the strategies and practices that can be implemented to improve bilingual education and promote internationalization on their own campuses.


Associate Professor Graduate Institute of Linguistics、Neurobiology and Cognitive Science Center National Taiwan University (NTU)
Chenhao Chiu(邱振豪) 氏

PhD Linguistics 2008-2015 (degree conferred in February 2016) University of British Columbia

Articulatory phonetics、Speech motor control、Laboratory phonology、Computational modelling、Psycholinguistics、Cognitive science

2021 – to date Associate professor National Taiwan University
2016 – 2021 Assistant professor National Taiwan University
2014 – 2016 Lecturer National Hsin Chu University of Education, Hsinchu, Taiwan

2022年?2020年學年度英語教學優良教師 Outstanding English-Teaching Award (NTU)

Chiu, C. and Lu, Y.-A. (2021) 聲韻學:聲音組成的結構與規律 In Huang, S.- F. (Ed.) 「語言學:結構、認知與文化的探索」, pp. 143 ~ 172. National Taiwan University Press 臺大出版中心.
Chiu, C., Weng, Y., and Chen, B.-W. (2022). Tongue postures and tongue centers : A study of acoustic-articulatory correspondences across different head angles. Frontiers in Psychology : Language Sciences, 12, 768754. DOI : https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg 1.2021.768754 SSCI
Chiu, C. and Gick, B. (2021). Auditory startle disrupts speech production. Concentric : Studies in Linguistics, 47 (2), 167-183. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1075/consl .00026 .chi THCI
Chiu, C. and Lu, Y.-A. (2021). Articulatory evidence for the syllable-final nasal merging in Taiwan Mandarin. Language and Speech, 64 (4), 771-789. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1177/0023830920948084 SCI
Scott, M. and Chiu, C. (2021). Temporal binding and agency under startle. Experimental Brain Research, 239 (1), 289-300. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00221-020-05972 -y. SCI


鳥飼 慎一郎

2007年ランカスター大学より博士号(Ph. D. in Linguistics)取得。専門は英語教育学、コーパス言語学、司法英語、EMI(English-medium Instruction)。
『New Crown English Series』(共著、三省堂)、司法英語関連の論文多数。






10:00~11:20 講演会
11:40~13:00 ワークショップ




  • 事前申し込み 必要
  • 参加費 無料





鳥飼 慎一郎

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